Infant Feeding Specialists
Nourshing your baby with skilled support.
When life feels complicated, finding the support you need-- all in one place -- can feel like a breath of fresh air. When you hire NorCal Doulas, we have trained and certified Infant Feeding Specialists on-call and available who can help you navigate your feeding journey with ease.
No matter how you choose to feed your baby, our Infant Feeding Specialists are there to support you as an ongoing source of information. We bridge the gap between doula support and immediate access to a lactation consultant (IBCLC) and are trained to assist + develop individualized feeding plans based on your family’s unique needs.
Unbiased support:
Feed your baby with confidence:
The Norcal Infant Feeding Experience:
We know that everyone’s parenting style is different; our IFS professionals help identify your goals, knowing that sometimes the circumstances may change. We’ve got you! Adjustments can be made, goals can be shifted, and options can be explored with confidence and ease. We know your feeding path isn’t a one-size-fits-all quick fix— we take the time prenatally and postpartum to ensure your path works for you.
We’ve worked with local families that have encountered the following:
Vaginal birth, epidural birth, unmedicated birth, IVF, vaginal birth after cesarean, cesarean birth, home birth, hospital birth, birth center births, velamentous cord insertion, single umbilical artery, preeclampsia, abortion, miscarriage, preterm labor, Induction of labor, gestational diabetes, symphysis pubis dysfunction, breech babies, twins labor and birth, breast feeding, chest feeding, bottle feeding, formula feeding, supplemental nursing system, syringe feeding, and more.